Commemorative Book for Special Event
School teacher Abi Seager of Bishopsgate School contacted Some Odd Pages for help with a class project. One of her students, Reuben, was moving to another city and the class wanted to make him a special commemorative book. With some easy guidelines from Some Odd Pages, Abi asked all the students for drawings, photos, artworks of any kind with a few words to Reuben and their signature. It didn’t take long at all to create the covers, title and binding for Rueben’s special book. The whole class presented their book to Reuben on the last day. Here’s what Abi said about the project:
We love participating with groups on these projects. Nothing captures the unique gesture and special presence of your friends like their own hand writing. You don’t have to draw well to express yourself in a few scribbles and add your own words and images. It’s wonderful how the voice of each person really comes through and creates a really special memory.
The binding for a commemorative book isn’t expensive or complicated. Starting at £35 we provide some simple guidelines for making the pages. You deliver the prepared pages, your book is bound in a soft or hard covers with cover title and title page, and returned to you ready for presentation. Easy peasy and a lasting memory of the people and special events created in their own hand.
CONTACT the studio for more details and your idea for your own book.