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Paperback Conversion to Hard Covers

Convert your favourite paperback books to lasting hard covers.
Original covers can be remounted or bespoke cover titling supplied.

Textbooks, novels, almanacs, manuals and guides

Fernand Braudel’s influential ‘Memory and the Mediterranean’ rebound in blue silk with hand marbled endpapers of suitable design for this subject. This seminal work is essential reading for the specialist historian and general reader alike.

‘Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack’, known colloquially as the ‘Bible of Cricket’, are essential volumes of historical sports records. Of particular interest are the volumes chronicling test cricket during World War II. Our client is a keen collector of these comprehensive guides tracing the history of UK cricket through the decades.

Sometimes one particular textbook surpasses all others in clear, accurate and concise instruction. This volume has seen decades of use in classroom teaching. Cleaned, repaired and rebound into strong hard covers for practical everyday use. Perspective, get some.

A technical book on drawing in perspective which came to me from my grandfather.  Published in 1892 and cheaply paper bound as a book for students, it was battered, fragile and falling to pieces through use.  Meg has transformed it into a beautiful and robust book.  She completely dismantled and rebuilt it with superior binding and covers, while preserving its aged patina and character.  She took the utmost care in every aspect of its reconstruction. I would entrust any book to her attention for professional, sympathetic restoration.